1962年 東京生まれ 日本大学芸術学部美術学科 卒
専攻はインダストリアル デザイン科
176cm 84Kg A型
弐段・全日本空手道連盟 弐段を
しかし試合での結果を残せない日々が続き、その当時「格闘マシーン」の異名を持つ黒澤浩樹師範(第16回全日本チャンピオン 現・黒澤道場師範)に教えを請うため城西中野支部に通い、黒帯を取得。
その後は89年首都圏交流試合優勝をはじめ、第7回全関西大会準優勝、第9回全日本ウエイト制重量級3位入賞などの戦績を残し、城西中野支部 師範代を経て、1996年1月、城西野方支部支部長に就任しました。
I began practicing Karate in my second year of high school after being inspired by seeing martial arts in the Bruce Lee movie “The way of the dragon”.
During my college years I trained in Japan Karate-do Itosu-kai achieving a second degree black belt. I began participating in various National Tournaments within Japan during this time. My college major was in Design, as a hobby I also participated in a band which I had been a part of during high school.
After graduating from college I began using my industrial design skills professionally by designing audio components such as car audio systems and audio component systems for major Japanese electronic manufactures. By day I worked as a designer, my nights, weekends and holidays however were spent training as a karate fighter. After a while I reached a turning point and thought “I want to re-evaluate my karate and start anew”. At this stage I became a member of Kyokushin Karate as a white belt.
However after a long period of un-successful tournament fights I decided to train under the winner of 16th Japan National Karate Championships, Hiroki Kurosawa then nicknamed “The fighting machine”. To do this I enrolled at Kurosawa’s Western Tokyo branch located in Nakano and achieved my black belt under his instruction.
Following this I won my first inter-metropolitan tournament match in 1989, runner-up in the 7th Kansai regional tournament, third place in the 9th Japan weight category championships heavy weight division and gained the responsibility as the West Tokyo’s Nakano Branch assistant instructor. In January of 1996 I then became the head Instructor of West Tokyo’s Nogata Dojo.
As once described by Instructor Masatoshi Yamada (Tokyo and surrounding regional director) “An opponent’s frontal attack can be defeated by skilful defence” my philosophy and that of the Western Tokyo regional branches is to practice defensive patterns to develop a strong base of defence. Modern karate continues to follow the original spirit and mindset, karate being that of a “weapon less art”.
In my dojo I value getting to know people through karate training and hope to pass my knowledge so that my students can achieve a black belt.
I encourage all my students to, “Challenge yourself to reach your possibilities!”